Plant Something Australian!

We have just celebrated Australia Day down under and a lovely long weekend that saw most of us enjoying sunshine and family activities.

This time of the year can be pretty hot in most parts, up in the NorthWest it is hot and wet and further down south it is dry and hot. It’s great cricket and beach weather for sure but it’s also great gardening weather. You see, we are not all about drinking beer and eating BBQ’d sausages!

We have had some warm weather but actually, it has been a pretty mild summer in Western Australia so far, so, it is absolutely great (mate) for planting things in your garden.

Here’s 5 Australian plants that will be perfectly happy if planted during late January and early February.

Scaevola crassifolia ‘Aussie Spirit’

Scaevola ‘Aussie Spirit’
Continue reading “Plant Something Australian!”

What “Sparks Joy” in Your Garden?

These past few weeks I have enjoyed catching up on some TV and came across a very small but mighty force…Marie Kondo. Have you heard of her? Anyway, Marie has a highly successful series now showing on Netflix and it’s all about tidying up your home and de-cluttering your life. ..

I am all for decluttering but find that I don’t do it often enough these days. I did however and quite coincidentally kick off 2019 with a huge tidy up of my home office. My desk is clean and clear and I am ready to embrace all of the possibilities that 2019 has to offer…now back to Marie Kondo.

I found the shows I watched quite inspiring. It got me thinking…what about Marie Kondoing (my new verb) the garden?

Have you got plants in your garden that no longer “spark joy” for you? This is what Marie encourages you to consider in the home and garage but I say, why not the garden too.

Take a look around your garden, is there a plant that you put in to simply fill a gap, years ago or maybe when you were just getting started? Maybe you picked it up on a bargain table at a nursery and just popped it in. Marie suggests that if things do not “spark joy” in your heart then you should “Thank” them and move them on either to the trash or to someone else who needs them.

Continue reading “What “Sparks Joy” in Your Garden?”
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