So, You’re Off To Shop For Plants

As a new gardener or even a keen experienced gardener, one of the most exciting things that you can do in life is to go plant shopping.

There are a couple of things that you can do to prepare yourself before you jump in the car and head out that door with your credit card at the ready and a big sense of joy in your heart.

Here are 5 tips to successfully purchasing plants for your garden.

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May Mandarin Munching

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Mandarin- Citrus Reticulata

It’s one of the best times of the year in our garden, it’s the time of year when we can go out into the backyard and pick ourselves a little round ball of sweetness, all in its own wrapping.

It’s Mandarin Time!

We renovated our home about 5 years ago and during the renovation, I nurtured a quite a few trees that I wanted to keep, now when I say nurtured, I actually mean, occasionally water when I could get to them in the middle of a building site! The Imperial Mandarin was one of the trees I wanted to save and I’m so glad that I did. We moved it about 3 times and it has been treated pretty badly actually if I’m completely honest and yet still she produces heaps of fruit every year.

I’m into the shapes of trees within the landscape including my own garden and this one is a lovely round-shaped specimen. I always have my arborist check it when he comes to attend to our other trees about every 18 months. He reduces the height of it because I am pretty short and the thought of climbing a ladder to pick fruit is just madness. So, we keep it at a manageable height.

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