Why Plants Matter

On a global scale, we all know that the plant world is vital to the survival of our planet.

On a micro and very personal level though, I should begin by saying why plants matter to me. I’m unashamedly a sentimental fool when it comes to gardening and well, everything else really if I’m completely honest.

Those who really know me are fully aware that reminiscing about the past and the things that have made me happy and sad, is an important part of what makes me the person that I am.

Plants for me have definitely been solid markers in my life.

Have you planted things purely because they remind you of a person or a garden that you loved?

I always incorporate plants and trees into my garden designs that matter to my clients.

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This Week In The Garden…I Am Planting Blueberries

My dear old Dad, who has sadly long since passed and was always a visionary for so many things, once said to me, “You guys should grow blueberries” and that my husband and I should create a blueberry farm, long before blueberries were as much a part of our staple diet as they are now. Pretty much everyone now includes at least one or two punnets of blueberries in their shopping trolley each week, I know we do. Life got in the way and we never did create a blueberry farm. Anyway, this week, in the mid of #stayathome and #flattenthecurve and #wewillgetthroughthis, I decided it’s time to plant some blueberries and plant them I have.

So Many Varieties, Which One to Choose?

I chose the variety ‘Sunshine Blue’ or Vaccinium corymbosum x ashei x darrowi, as they are a semi-dwarf variety and will only grow to about 1.8metres and that’s plenty big enough. In saying that though, they will be restricted by the size of the pot I have put them in. This variety does not need a cold winter (it needs only 150 hours of winter chill) and is semi-deciduous, so perfect for our less than cold winters here in Perth. In Perth, you can also grow, Vitality, Blueberry Burst, Blueberry Kisses, Misty, Sharpes, Blue Rose, Biloxi and Denise.

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