Plants Really DO Make You Healthy and Happy

You may have seen the images of gardeny-type people toiling away outdoors, sunhats on and gloved hands, leaning on a shovel and probably also heard how gardeners are generally healthier people, fighting fit, glowy red cheeks and pretty happy kind of folk and even more recently lots of information about how kids who play in nature are mentally healthier too, well now there is more information out that proves all of these things as well as how that applies just as much to growing plants indoors, yes, INDOORS.

Houseplants for a Healthy House

Did you know that the more plants you have in your house the healthier the air that you breathe will be?

According to Ben Peacock from The Republic of Everyone, the creators of the Nursery and Garden Industry of Australia, Plant Life Balance App, in a 4m x 5m room, if you place one medium-sized plant, say a Phildenron Xanadu or a Monstera the air quality will be improved by 25%.

The More the Better

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Where did March Go?

Well, I’m not sure exactly what happened to March, 2019, it was a funny month here in Perth with still warm days which were actually quite humid. Let’s blame it on the moon.

While the other half of the country is still suffering the effects of the terrible drought, things have been pretty mild over here. It is a great time to get out into the garden in Perth …almost like a second spring.

Here are 5 things that might have happened in your garden in March that you may want to take a look at.

Fungal Disease

Have you noticed some weird things happening to the leaves of your plants? Humid weather = Fungal disease. Furry white powder on hydrangeas, roses or tomatoes, say? Then that’s powdery mildew which is a fungal disease and can be treated with Eco Fungicide by OCP. It’s organic so is safe to use on edibles. You could also use a copper spray.

Continue reading “Where did March Go?”

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