A beautiful thing happened today…

So, I think I have told you all that I recently returned from #GWA15 in Pasadena CA and met so many gorgeous people at the 67th Annual Garden Writers Symposium-well today I received the most beautiful surprise in the mail…it’s a funny story, while I was in New York a lovely little book caught my eye and so I took a photo of it and sent it to a fellow rose lover back home…Ahh the joy of the iPhone. This book called ‘Eat Your Roses’ by Denise Schreiber really tickled my fancy because it involves two of my greatest passions, eating…and roses. So time passed, I farewelled NYC and I attended #GWA15 in Pasadena. I sadly did not buy the book. The first person to warmly greet me at the ‘First Timers’ welcome function was Denise Schreiber from Pennsylvania. Pennies don’t always drop that quickly for me, I must say, but Denise and I continued to chat through the conference and bid farewell at the end….and when I returned back to Australia, I was going through my photos and there was the picture of the book “Eat Your Roses” by Denise Schreiber..so I face booked Denise and said…are you THE DENISE SCHREIBER?? and sure enough she was the one and only. I was kicking myself that I had not bought her book in NYC. This afternoon, I came home after another frantic day gardening and attending a Field Day at Ellenby Tree Farm and there was a package in the letter box…from none other than THE DENISE SCHREIBER…here’s what was in it…that beautiful little book, some sweet floral sticky notes and a card and inside the book an inscription… Andrea “A rose by any other name would taste as sweet” signed Denise.

Eat Your Roses

So, to THE ONE AND ONLY DENISE SCHREIBER I say the biggest Thank YOU…something really beautiful happened for me today 🙂 The world feels a little smaller and just a little bit more lovely today

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