Basking in a Golden Glow

What happens to the display gardens of Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Chelsea Flower Show long after the show is over?

Landscape Designer, Stuart Johnson and  Horticulturalist Wes Fleming and their team won Gold and Best in Show in 2013 at the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), Chelsea Flower Show.

What happened next is the most exciting part of the story.

Fast forward ten years and last week, I visited the stunning garden that Phillip Johnson designed and has now recreated, but 20 times bigger than the Chelsea display garden in the stunning hills outside of Melbourne known as the Dandenong Ranges on Wurundjeri Country in the Dandenong Ranges Botanic Gardens. 

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When Lightening Strikes Magic Happens

Gardeners all over Perth are smiling after Friday night and here’s why

I can hardly stop smiling, after the storm. Credit Susan Mulvihill

You may be wondering why it is that over the next few weeks, your garden will be looking a whole lot greener and a whole lot healthier, and yet you haven’t done a darn thing except sit on the couch and try and forget how hot it is out there.

It is going to be another scorcher today, in a long line of stinking hot days here in Perth, looking like a good day for sitting inside and out of the hot sun for sure. There must be something great to watch on TV or a good book to read.

What happened on Friday night?

I was dining out at a local cute, cheap, and cheerful Thai restaurant with some friends from my mother’s group. We all met 24 years ago when we had our firstborn children and while the conversation has moved on from newborn babies to new jobs, education, and HRT we were very distracted when the rain started and the lightening show began. All at once we exclaimed “Petrichor” and heard the pitter-patter of giant raindrops. It has been months since we have had even a drop of rain here, sop it is super exciting for us. We received about 8mls of very welcome rain in our suburb but even more exciting was the huge bolts of lightning that came with the rains.

What’s so exciting about lightning?

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