Chanticleer, I’m Dreaming About You!

The entrance gates at Chanticleer

Over the years, I have had the very great fortune of visiting many really spectacular gardens in many parts of the world but for some reason, there are a few which stay with you, like visiting an old friend, except that you have never met them before and may never pass that way again. I  cherish moments like these and will always fondly remember one amazing day…..

Step Inside….

Last year, during what I am calling my 2017 Pennsylvania Immersion, following the Garden Writers Association annual conference in Buffalo NY, I was right royally treated with visits to incredible places by my hosts Denise Schreiber (Pittsburgh) and Eva Monheim (Philadelphia).

I was lucky enough to be a guest of the team at Chanticleer Garden. I visited on a stunning, sunny, summers’ day, with fellow GWA members Eva Monheim and Louise Clarke. We were warmly greeted by Bill Thomas, Executive Director & Head Gardener who welcomed us to the garden and put us into the very safe hands of our fellow GWA member, friend and guide-for-the-day Dan Benarcik. Dan knows every inch of this gardeners paradise and generously gave his time to share his wealth of knowledge of this beauteous place. We arrived when the car park was empty (we were the first to arrive) and first in the garden gate. This is always a special kind of moment for those of us writing about gardens because we get to see the gardens “untouched” by the day if you like.

Dan Benarcik, Eva Monheim, Louise Clarke and Me

Chanticleer garden is a 40-acre botanical garden located in Wayne, Pennsylvania about a thirty-minute drive from Philadelphia.

Here’s a little excerpt from Chanticleer’s website which shares the story of the garden.

“The Chanticleer estate dates from the early 20th-century when land along the Main Line of the Pennsylvania Railroad was developed for summer homes to escape the heat of Philadelphia. Adolph Rosengarten, Sr., and his wife Christine chose the Wayne-St. Davids area to build their country retreat. The family’s pharmaceutical firm would become part of Merck & Company in the 1920s.

The Rosengartens hired an architect and former classmate Charles L. Borie to design the house, which was completed in 1913. Landscape architect Thomas Sears designed the terraces as extensions of the house. A 1924 addition converted the summer home into a year-round residence and the family moved here permanently.

Dreaming of this lawn and a beautiful green vista like this

Mr. Rosengarten’s humor is evident in naming his home after the estate “Chanticlere” in Thackeray’s 1855 novel The Newcomes. The fictional Chanticlere was “mortgaged up to the very castle windows” but “still the show of the county.” Playing on the word, which is synonymous with “rooster,” the Rosengartens used rooster motifs throughout the estate.

Adolph and Christine gave their two children homes as wedding presents. They purchased a neighboring property for son Adolph, Jr. and his bride Janet Newlin in 1933. It is now the site of the Ruin. Daughter Emily’s house, located at today’s visitor entrance, was built for her in 1935. It is presently used for offices and classrooms.

The swimming pool and pool cabana

Adolph, Jr., purchased his sister’s portion of the estate following her death in the 1980s. He didn’t move into the main house but used it for entertaining and kept it as it was when the family lived there. The house is open for tours by reservation. Adolph, Jr., left the entire property for the enjoyment and education of the public following his death in 1990. A nine-member Board of Directors, six of whom are Rosengarten relatives, oversees The Chanticleer Foundation. The garden opened to the public in 1993. There is 20 full-time staff, of whom two manage facilities and 14 are gardeners and groundskeepers.”

I have so many photos. How do I select just a few to give you an inkling of the magic of this place?

Lush. green long vistas of lawn. brightly colored Adirondack chairs to sit and rest for a bit and admire Belladonna Lillies or Naked Ladies popping up in the lawn. I have to say we did not rest for a single minute, though, too much to see!

Who wants to come sit here with me and read a book?

…attention to detail, fresh flowers in a bowl of water-so simple yet so beautiful
Clematis in bloom











Vignettes of gorgeousness at every turn. Incredibly innovative container planting and then there is that black dining table set as the centerpiece of the home in ruins with a stunning succulent-filled, grand fireplace.

The dining room in the ruins-what a table!
The stunning water-filled “dining table”
Succulent-filled fireplace at the ruins
Now, that’s what I call acorns!

What you can’t see is how gorgeous this is on the inside

Container envy?

This says it all really, this tiny gate takes you through into the vegetable garden

Intricate detail throughout the garden


Everything was perfectly executed in this garden, not a single weed, not a single plant that looked tired or ready to be removed from its bed.

At each section of the garden, visitors can find an individually crafted box containing an up-to-date list of plants in that garden bed

In the winter time, some the staff get busy and repurpose wood from the trees that have reached the end of their lives and it is turned into carefully handcrafted seating and decorative pieces which are scattered through the gardens in the following spring. These pieces are art in their own right.

If you ever get the opportunity to visit Chanticleer Gardens, don’t let it pass you by, grab it with both hands. You will need hours to see it all and even then you still will miss things and want to return.

This is a very special part of the world and I am very grateful to have walked those garden paths, in such wonderful company, even just once.

Thanks to Bill Thomas and Dan Benarcik for an unforgettable day.



Speed Dating With Plants!

Perth Garden Festival has just finished up and it was a great success this year. So many willing-to-learn-more-gardeners and lots of interest in what’s new and exciting in the gardening world.

The ladies in the background could see the funny side in me wanting a crown of Leschenaultia

I entered the Professional section of The Hanging Basket competition-Here’s my entry overlooking the beautiful Swan River

Hanging Basket 2018
I used purple Lantana, Ajuga, Anigozanthus in the centre, Gardenia, Scaevola ‘Purple Fanfare’, Eremophila Nivea and Echivera succulents all around the centre section.

I’m a member of the Horticulture Media Association and I spoke on the BUPA main stage last Friday. I love sharing my knowledge with such engaged audiences.

This year, I decided to do something a little different and I called it “Speed Dating with Plants”.my talk was scheduled for 20 minutes and so my aim was to create four container plantings in under twenty minutes and amazingly I completed them all and still had time for lots of questions.

I wanted to demonstrate that gardening need not take up very much time, should be fun and also that anyone can create a garden in a container, regardless of age or physical ability.

Another tip that I was keen to share with West Australian gardeners is the current trend in the US and elsewhere in the world to plant many things in the one basket rather than just one single plant as tends to be the case here. The opportunity to create a mini garden in a container and tell a whole story is something quite new to people here. This is great for folk who might be living in a small space, people renting or those not inclined to garden other than by using containers. It is appealing to so many gardeners. During my talk, I stressed that plants selected should have the same watering requirements and all require the same amount of sun or shade.

Each year, I travel to the USA in my quest for great gardening ideas and this year I wanted to share some of the things I learned about container gardener in particular during my time in Pennsylvania and especially at an amazing garden called Chanticleer in the Delaware Valley. If you ever get the chance you MUST put this garden on your bucket list of gardens to visit. It will blow your mind!

Here are the containers I created at this years’ Perth Garden Festival. I tried to create something for everyone and just like a real date, I gave them all an amusing name-just for a bit of fun.

Container 1  Aphrodisiac

The Aphrodisiac



Helichrysum italicum serotinum Curry plant

Slow Bolt Coriander


Capsicum annuum F1 ‘ChaCha ChilliBite’

Container 2 The Indoor Guy

The Indoor Guy-there’s a red flowering bromeliad hiding around the back. I was keen to share the tip that all angles of the container should have a pretty view, not just the front.


Calathea rubfibarba

Filicales retrosa x2

Bromeliad-bright red flowering


Container 3 Shady Lover

The Shady Lover-featuring my new favourite salvia-‘Black and Bloom’

Colours Blue/ White/ Green

Salvia guaranitica Salvia ‘Black and Bloom’

Ipomoea batatas  ‘Inferno’

Pentsemon ‘Snowstorm’

Lantana montevidensis ‘alba’ Trailing white lantana

Salvia greggii alba x2

Container 4 Sun Swain

Sun Swain-the sweet 60cm Kangaroo Paw-‘Bush Pearl’ as a big hit

Colours Pink/Grey/Green/Burgundy

Anigozanthus humilis x flavidus ‘Bush Pearl’

Brachteantha bracteata ‘Sunbrella’

Alteranthera dentata ‘Little Ruby’

Leucophyta brownii ‘Cushion Bush’


You too can create these containers. Why not give it a try?


with just a little preparation and good plant selection, just one of these treasures will probably only take you 5 minutes…can you beat my record???

I used Baileys Premium potting mix and regularly feed my plants with Seasol Powerfeed

and here’s a treat….

The beautiful display demonstrating the best use of indoor plants, created by the team I work with at Guildford Town Garden Centre







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