And just like magic…

Today, we were called in by a new client for some garden maintenance work…day after a public holiday, thinking to myself..ease into the week, Andrea, nice and slowly, Andrea…and so..we loaded the ute (what we call a pick up truck) up with all the necessary tools and off we went…and then there they were buffalo grass WEEDS …almost as tall as me entwined 2m up into Prunus Crimson Spire and all through Michelia Figo hedges as well as completely covering Strelizia reginae!…a couple of hours of hard graft, lots of sweating and grumbling about winning lotto and then just like magic…look what we achieved-weeds gone, hedges trimmed and back into shape, –Dianella revoluta veriegated lifted, dead leaves removed and then re-planted-watered in-leaves swept and blown away-huge load of green waste rubbish taken to the Brockway tip! How utterly satisfying!!!. When you look at a hard task in the garden you think you will never get it done but sometimes you just have to get stuck right in. head down, bottom up and just do it! Have you got a daunting weed project-just dive in, you might surprise yourself-give it a go, I say!

That one tree…

I’m a sentimental old fool really… and I’m in love with a tree… I don’t know quite why but there you have it. It’s a funny tree and quite unusual. It’s a Boab, now as a loyal West Australian I should say that my favourite is the Adansonia gregorii and here I am pictured beside one of these absolute stunners but it’s not.

That one tree

My favourite tree is this absolute beauty and it’s a Madagascan boab growing beautifully at Anna Plains Station, a million acre cattle station about 250kms south of Broome.

I think that as far as a tree goes there is no doubt it’s one of a kind but I think it’s because of where it’s located and that it reminds me of spectacular evenings under the stars sipping champagne and sharing stories with great friends, quiet mornings as the sun rises and long moments looking out towards the 80 mile beach at sunset. I look at this image of this tree and it makes me smile and contemplate the magnificent Kimberley and my friends who live there.

Do you have a special tree?

That one tree

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