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Some people like to cozy up by a fire with a hot cuppa and a good book in winter but us gardeners know that it’s an opportunity to get out into the garden in between rain breaks and check out the bones of the garden and see what needs trimming and what needs changing up.

As always, I am excited to get things done without sunscreen and keeping hydrated.

Here’s a list of jobs that I will be attending to this month

Raking Leaves

One of the most satisfying jobs to do in the garden at this time of the year is to rake the leaves off the lawns and the pathways, there’s nothing better for an instant clean-up. I recycle all of the leaves back into the garden beds but you can also add them to your compost bins.

Trimming Trees

Deciduous trees have nearly all lost their leaves and it’s a great opportunity to view the shape of tree-do you want to change it, reduce its’ size, now is the time to get that job done. Shrubs can also do with a tidy up. I’m going to trim my Hibiscus and Radermachera ‘Summerscent’ this weekend as well as some of the Salvias that have got a bit too leggy and pst their use-by date for my liking.

Planting Bulbs

I love bulbs in my garden, they give me so much joy. Right now, it’s not too late to put some into the ground. Some bearded Iris might be nice. My Snowdrops and Daffodils as well as Iris are all poking their heads through the soil. Maybe you have some tulips in the crisper section of the refrigerator that you have forgotten to plant??? Better pop them into a nice pot filled with good potting mix this weekend. They look better planted en masse rather than dotted through the garden.

Plant Some Vegies

Last year, when I was in Chicago, I was given some Smart Pots to try. They are brilliant and I am going to plant out some potatoes in the large one and some leafy greens into the other. It’s time to plant Kohlrabi, Peas, Coriander and Parsley as well as onions and radishes. Cauliflower, Broccoli and Cabbage are great to plant out right now too.

Fertilise Containers and Hanging Baskets

This week, I will be giving our hanging baskets and containers some liquid Powerfeed but you can also use any other Seaweed based liquid fertiliser.


Soursop- Oxalis pes-caprae GRRRRRR!
How to get rid of onion weed
Onion weed EEEK!

This job never ends. At the moment I am pulling out Soursop or Oxalis pes-caprae and frankly, this seasonal weed is a PAIN! Onion weed, Allium triquetrum, Asphodelus fistulosus and Nothoscordum inodorum in some gardens is also rearing its ugly head and you really need to get in underneath the bulbs and remove them to have any impact with these awful weeds. I use my Cobrahead Weeder and could not do what I do without it!

So, no excuses, there’s lots to do, no need for hats and sunscreen, get out and enjoy the cooler weather…there’s really so much to be done!